Archive for category Christianity

Tis’ the Season – for the Annual War on Christmas!

The Christians are coming to defend Christmas!

“Happy Holidays” is no longer an acceptable salutation. It’s “Merry Christmas” or nothing! They’ll boycott you! They’ll condemn you!!! They’ll unlike you on Facebook!

Join the ranks – arm yourselves with my latest FREE CHAPTER – “Doubting Christmas!” from the controversial and provacative book Doubt after Doubt: Doubting the Christian Faith. Please visit to request your FREE GIFT. This chapter will arm you with the tools, logic and arguments you need to win any War on Christmas debate – not that I encourage anyone to take this silly “war” seriously.

 The season of the Winter Solstice is for everyone and not to be monopolized by any faith, creed or religion! Happy Holidays to you and yours no matter how you choose to celebrate (or not)!

Here is an excerpt:

As Matthew documents the lineage of Jesus he is bringing forth his first set of evidence to support his claim that Jesus is indeed the messiah as prophesied by the Hebrew prophets. Lineage held substantial importance for the Jews, a fact that is clear from the great number of Old Testament verses where the lineage of individuals is documented. The listing of Jesus’ genealogy links him to the royal bloodline of King David.

Any student of Judaism, as the author of Matthew clearly was, understands that the prophesied messiah was to be born from King David’s royal line. This is supported by the Old Testament verse Micah 5:2, but further scrutiny of Matthew’s work reveals some controversial points.

The first question I ask is how anyone can declare Jesus descended from the royal line of King David through his father, Joseph, if the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus? If the conception of Jesus was truly divine, then Joseph was in essence a stepfather and we must trace Jesus’ lineage through the bloodline of his mother, Mary.

Next, it is clear by comparing the texts that Matthew drew from the genealogy listed in 1 Chronicles 3:10-12 to compile his list of generations. Curiously he omits a few generations in his account and changes some of the names. The theory behind why Matthew may have intentionally omitted a couple of generations is found in verse 3:11:

         Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.

Matthew was attempting to demonstrate the power of God’s divine plan by showing the precise way in which God intervened in the history of Israel through three successive groups comprised of fourteen generations each. Unfortunately, it appears that Matthew is manipulating the numbers. Another curious discrepancy in Matthew’s account is that the last group of fourteen generations contains only thirteen, from the end of the exile in Babylon to the birth of Jesus.

Luke also lists Jesus’ genealogy and makes a similar case that Jesus, through the line of his stepfather, is descended from King David. Curiously, he adds a disclaimer: “He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph.” Early literary support in favor of the theory that Matthew and Luke wrote independently and were unaware of the other’s work is revealed in the genealogy accounts, for Luke’s is remarkably different from Matthew’s.

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God made him have red skin to make us know he was to burn forever

 Here is a portion of an exchange between Fundamentalist Hank and myself from Them Demons is Tricky.

From Fundamentalist Hank:

I am glad that you have many Bibles and that you have read them. But you are not reading them with the Lord. You must open your heart to the Lord and he will enter and give you understanding. You are confused by what you read and see trouble where it does not exist.

You said that for God to be a man it would make him human; but that is not right. For God to look like a man makes us more like Him. And being God he is able to look like what he wants to. He could look like a rock or a tree or a frog or a man. He chose to look like a man because he knew that would be the best way for us to look and he wanted us to not be afraid of his image. That is why we are afraid of Satan. God made him have red skin to make us know he was to burn forever and he gave him horns and a tail to make him and us know that he was now a beast. That is why he is called The Beast – because of his horns and tail.

A portion of my response:

Let me begin by saying that I find it a shame that a pagan such as myself is far more familiar with the Bible and your religion than someone who professes the Christian faith as strongly as you do. If you are going to defend your faith, you’re going to have to do a better job than tell me what your reverend has spouted off to you.

It is obvious from your previous e-mails that you take his words in higher regard than your own Bible. If indeed you want to believe in Christianity, please profess its faith properly.

In future dealings with me I do ask that you turn to the Bible, the Good Book you hold so sacredly, and the power of the mind the Goddess gave you, rather than to your reverend who is filling you with lies and deception while you simultaneously fill his pockets. It is clear that you do not know the Bible even a quarter as well as I do.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky.

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Doubting the Creation Story

A new FREE CHAPTER from “Doubt after Doubt: Doubting the Christian Faith” is now available for your amusement! It’s “Chapter 4: Doubting the Creation Story.”

In this chapter, author Rob Jacik begins by asking “Where in the universe is there the instantaneous creation of anything?” Jacik turns to the Bible to read its opening passages and the tale of how the earth and life were created in practically an instant. While it is an entertaining story, the evidence for it as fact is simply non-existant.

The discrepancies of Genesis are revealed and the attempts by popular Christian authors to substantiate these issues are successfully debunked. The chapter progresses to investigate how other popular Christian authors, such as Lee Stroebel and Hank Hanegraaff attempt to dismiss evolution in favor of creationism – Jacik successfully exposes the flaws and failings of their arguments.

Can evolution and God co-exist? Jacik provides the answer. Learn more by visiting to obtain your FREE CHAPTER.

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Modern science is the work of Satan!

Here is a portion of an exchange between Funadamentalist Hank and myself from Them Demons is Tricky:

From Fundamentalist Hank:

Modern science is the work of Satan. He gives us all this stuff that we shouldn’t know. He can then make us believe what he wants to. He gives us the art of changing our bodies in ways that God didn’t want. Messing with the DNA and stuff like that. We don’t have any business doing that. If we want something changed we should ask the Lord and not science. Even this computer that we are using is made by Satan. It lets him get his word out to people that are confused by him like you are. You hear about witches and demons and pagan and untrue gods on the Internet and you think it would be fun to have magic and make things happen that shouldn’t. Satan will still be using the Internet right up until the Lord comes back and gets rid of all the evil people and the devil. God has only us; his loyal worshipers to spread his message of love against all that have been tricked by Satan.

In response:

You cry “Satan” every time modern science proves that your Holy Book is simply a book of stories, no more the word of God than any other mythological collection of tales. Science proclaims without doubt that the universe is over 15 billion years old, and you cry Satan! Science proclaims that Dinosaurs roamed the earth for millions of years before the first humans and you cry Satan! Science proclaims that microorganisms most likely were found on Mars and {YAWN} you cry Satan!

Fact is, you cannot deny that with each modern claim your faith loses its clout and your pastors and reverends preach using ancient fear-of-God tactics so that you will continue to put money into their basket every Sunday.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky.

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The Satan myth continues to infiltrate our world

I’m on YouTube now (just getting started with a Channel thats under construction). Here is the link to the video about this blog post.

On XM NPR (the XM Satellite version of National Public Radio) today I heard a caller actually say that Satan can manipulate our reasoning skills! On NPR!

The myth of Satan has perpetuated itself through the millenia into the minds of modern day man – yet the attributes of this angelic being are not founded in the Bible.

Now I’m not a Christian – but I would really like all those Christians out there to understand who Satan is from a Biblical standpoint. Satan is the adversary to mankind, not to God. He is part of God’s own angelic court. Satan serves as the tool of Yahweh to guide the unrighteous onto a righteous path. It was never Satan’s role Biblically to guide people into unrighteousness so that they may never return. Satan helps God, not hinders him.

I ask everyone who is interested in this character, from a Biblical point of view, to read the Book of Job.

I cover this topic extensively in Them Demons is Tricky and in my chapter “Doubting God’s Adversaries” in Doubt after Doubt: Doubting the Christian Faith.

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Am I a spawn of hell?

Here is a portion of my exchange with Fundamentalist Lee from Them Demons is Tricky:

Reverend Hollows said that if a person is a witch, then they are a spawn of hell and a satanic demon in human form. Because this is an entity of hell, they are not really human at all and thus the commandment against killing does not apply. It is not a sin to destroy a demon. That is why the blood is on their hands, not yours. It means that you have no guilt on your soul for destroying a demon in human form. This same thing would apply to homosexuals, who are also demons in human form. They practice their perversions to offend God.

In response:

Lee, you told me that your reverend said that if a person is a witch, then they are a spawn of hell and a satanic demon in human form. Because this is an entity of hell, they are not really human at all and thus the commandment against killing does not apply – it is not a sin to destroy a demon.

Well, once again I did not see the footnote next to the sixth commandment that said “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Do you have a biblical reference for me where it says that killing a demon in human form is not a sin? You point to witches and homosexuals as demons in human form. Well, if homosexuals are demons in human form how can you tote that you’ve “saved” homosexuals? All too often I hear about the Christian followers trying to “save” the pagans and “save” the homosexuals. If these homosexuals and pagans have been saved by your faith, how is it that they are “demons in human form?”

 Point me to the verses in the Bible that talk of the demons in human form.

I know a man who has been a Wiccan for 23 years – a witch! No more or less a human than you or I, Lee. He suffers, he bleeds, he breeds, he breaths, he sings, he dances, he reads, he learns, he laughs, he cries, he eats, he sleeps…who are you to call him a demon in human form? He goes through the same sufferings and joys as every other human being. He is human, we are all humans Lee. Just because a person follows a faith or conforms to a lifestyle that is not your own, that does not make them a demon.

From your own words Lee, from the deceptions you have thrown at me in your messages, I have just as much claim to call you and your pastor a witch, a deceiver, a liar. Perhaps I too should point you to Leviticus 20:27, “’A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.’”

You tell me that Reverend Hollows is also a doctor. It is hard to believe that your pastor is a doctor of anything speaking as ignorantly on the topic of Wicca. Not to mention his ignorant babblings about his own faith.

Wiccans know that their spells are no more Satanic or powerful than the spells you cast yourself with your prayers, and your prayer circles and when you turn your wine into the blood of Christ. We do not torture things in Satan’s name…as I have told you before and I will again and again – Satan is your God, not mine. We do nothing in the name of Satan. Your reverend lies to you again and again. When are you going to open your blind eyes Lee and see that the man you put so much faith into is a liar, a deceiver and will do anything to keep you under his power and control? Put faith into yourself Lee. The gift of intelligence is what separates us from the animals, you too have a mind Lee, you too can make your own decisions and your own interpretations. Give yourself a chance, don’t deny yourself, don’t limit yourself.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky (10% discount from Now until October 31, 2010 – go to and use code “HARVEST” at check out)

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That is why God gave us preachers…

Here is a portion of my exchange with a Fundamentalist Christian from Them Demons is Tricky:

It is clear that you are under the domination of Satan and his demons.

You have raised some points that I will have to pray about before I can answer them so I will have something next week.

As for my reading the Bible – you should know that is why God gave us preachers and holy men – to interpret the word of God for us. That way Satan doesn’t have a chance to get in and make everyone believe something different.

But I will stop here and like I said I will pray for a message to send you, talk to my minister, and pray for you.

We want to save your soul from Satan and see you in heaven.

In response:

I’ll await your response.

In the meantime, you are again wrong about the Bible. God gave you free will. God gave you intelligence. I recommend that you use the beautiful gift that God has bestowed upon you and use it to read the Bible for yourself. You should never take anyone’s word for anything without investigating it for yourself. That includes my word, your reverend’s word, or anyone else’s.

Everyone in life has a perspective of their own; this is the gift of God. If God has proven anything to us it is that we are ALL unique, we are all individuals! Do not be duped by a reverend or anyone else who may have a hidden agenda.

How do you know that your reverend is any more in touch with God than yourself?

Ignorance has been Christianities strongest ally for centuries. In ancient days the majority of the people were illiterate. Those that were literate were the monks and priests, and they spread the word of God based on their own interpretations! The people believed them, because they could not read the book for themselves. They had to take the priests words for everything. The priests used fear tactics and scared the populous with tales of the devil and an angry vengeful God.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky

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Them Demons is Tricky!

I’ve entered a contest on and now Lulu is offering my customers 10% OFF their next purchase of “Them Demons is Tricky” or “Doubt after Doubt” through October 31st, 2010!

Take advantage of this offer by visiting my storefront at Lulu: and entering promo code “HARVESTat check out! Thank you Lulu!

You will love this book! Them Demons is Tricky is now available!

Them Demons is Tricky

Some people like me think you should be careful. You might have a demon in you. Demons is very tricky and you won’t know what they is doing. They can make you do things and think it is right. I bet you are a good person and that is why they are trying to make you believe in witches and magic. Ask your self if you have ever REALLY seen a witch and the answer will be no from Them Demons is Tricky.

When several devout Fundamentalist Christians find out about my religious beliefs they seek to save my soul and turn me to the light of Christ.

Via e-mail we debate over the core Christian tenets. Is the earth only six thousand years old? Is Satan running amok upon the planet foiling God’s heavenly plans? Does God hate homosexuals? Are women inferior to men? Is God a male? And many more.

I surgically dissect each of their arguments using the Bible as one of my strongest allies. In response, the opinions and beliefs of the Fundamentalists run from surprising to frightening to downright hysterical.

In the end I reveal to them the reality of the Bible as each one of them ends up leaving their church. Losing church  members by the score the Reverend himself intercedes. I refuse to hold back and goe toe-to-toe with the pastor which eventually leads to a startling conclusion that abruptly ends my interactions with the Christians.

Learn more here: Them Demons is Tricky or become a fan on Facebook.

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I’m sure that you’re doing Satan’s work

Here is an exchange between me and Fundamentalist Josh from Them Demons is Tricky .

I hope that you’re very happy with yourself you damn witchman! We had a good group of people that wanted to spread the word of God and you had to come along and make several of my friends leave our group. I don’t know what kind of spell you put on them, but I’m sure that you’re doing Satan’s work. So is our preacher. He has told us all to never talk to you again, but I have God on my side and I sure don’t fear the devil or his little helpers like you.

Why don’t you try and have a little love for your fellow man and try and convert people to the Baptist religion so that they can be saved. Your Wyker is a false religion setup by Satan and the damned demons of hell.

You probably think it is real funny to make people turn from God. Hank was a friend and I liked him. Now, because of you, I’m not supposed to talk or associate with him because my pastor said that he now has a demon. I have some justice in knowing that you will burn in hell. Go ahead and try one of your demon spells on me and I’ll throw it back at you because I have the Lord with me.  

In response:

You strike me as a very bitter and angry person. Your words are filled with hatred, outrage and frustration. Is this the sort of person you would like me to become in going to your church? If so, no thank you!

My world is filled with love and joy. I see God and Goddess everywhere and life is beautiful. I shall continue to enjoy my life and reap the blessings it bestows upon me each day, without your church, your reverend, or your savior.

Both Lee and Hank are very happy and thankful they met me! In fact, I continue to get “thank you’s” from both of them. I will not apologize to them or to anyone else for turning their lives around and allowing them to find the happiness that resides within.

Perhaps you have been misinformed about my doings and intentions. I have never once asked either one of them to change their faith. Indeed, both continue to be Christians…which is fine by me. The difference is they are now “better” Christians for they are out of the spiritually damaging grips of Reverend Hollows.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky or check it out on Facebook.Them Demons is Tricky

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And lead us not into temptation?

 Are you familiar with the Lord’s Prayer?

 Ever pay particular attention to the line – “..and lead us not into temptation.”

 In the Lord’s prayer one is praying that the Lord not lead us into temptation – suggesting that it is God himself that leads us into the temptation that is sin.

 Do you doubt the word of God too?

 If you’d like to learn more about my books visit or follow Doubt after Doubt on Facebook.

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