Posts Tagged Paganism; Skeptic

Summary of Doubts – Doubting Christmas

In my book Doubt after Doubt: Doubting the Christmas faith, I dedicate a chapter to the doubts I had as a Christian about the Christmas story. In conclusion, here is a summary of why I had doubts:

  • December 25th used to fall on the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year.
  • The Winter Solstice was considered, by pagan cultures, the birthday of the sun – and therefore the birthday of many pagan Sun gods.
  • December 25th was chosen by the Christian church to honor the birth of Jesus so that Jesus would supersede his pagan predecessors born on this day.
  • No one knows when Jesus was actually born.
  • Jesus shares many of the same attributes as his pagan predecessors – including being born of a virgin, being the divine made flesh, being a savior, being born before shepherds and more.
  • The decoration of Christmas trees is originally a pagan custom.
  • Not one word of the New Testament was written during Jesus’ lifetime.
  • Jesus offended his hometown neighbors because they had no idea he was born divine.
  • The Gospel of Mark is the oldest gospel – the authors of both Mathew and Luke utilized Mark in their own compositions.
  • The Gospel of Mark, being the eldest, makes no mention of the virgin birth, the nativity scene, Jesus fleeing to Egypt, the murder of children by King Herod or anything else in relation to Jesus’ birth.
  • Matthew’s chronological account of Jesus’ genealogy incorrectly states there were 14 generations from the exile in Babylon to the birth of Jesus, even though he only lists 13.
  • The genealogy of Jesus listed by Matthew and Luke are different.
  • While the characters and setting is the same, the remainders of Matthews and Luke’s accounts of the nativity scene are different.
  • Claims that Jesus fulfilled prophecy point to passages in the Old Testament that are taken out of context or were not fulfilled by Jesus.
  • To accept the philosophy that God speaks to us through prophecy, one would need to accept that God has dropped prophecies scattered throughout miscellaneous verses in at least eleven Hebrew-centric writings authored over more than a millennium of time.

For more information or to obtain a FREE CHAPTER visit

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Doubting the Creation Story

A new FREE CHAPTER from “Doubt after Doubt: Doubting the Christian Faith” is now available for your amusement! It’s “Chapter 4: Doubting the Creation Story.”

In this chapter, author Rob Jacik begins by asking “Where in the universe is there the instantaneous creation of anything?” Jacik turns to the Bible to read its opening passages and the tale of how the earth and life were created in practically an instant. While it is an entertaining story, the evidence for it as fact is simply non-existant.

The discrepancies of Genesis are revealed and the attempts by popular Christian authors to substantiate these issues are successfully debunked. The chapter progresses to investigate how other popular Christian authors, such as Lee Stroebel and Hank Hanegraaff attempt to dismiss evolution in favor of creationism – Jacik successfully exposes the flaws and failings of their arguments.

Can evolution and God co-exist? Jacik provides the answer. Learn more by visiting to obtain your FREE CHAPTER.

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Am I a spawn of hell?

Here is a portion of my exchange with Fundamentalist Lee from Them Demons is Tricky:

Reverend Hollows said that if a person is a witch, then they are a spawn of hell and a satanic demon in human form. Because this is an entity of hell, they are not really human at all and thus the commandment against killing does not apply. It is not a sin to destroy a demon. That is why the blood is on their hands, not yours. It means that you have no guilt on your soul for destroying a demon in human form. This same thing would apply to homosexuals, who are also demons in human form. They practice their perversions to offend God.

In response:

Lee, you told me that your reverend said that if a person is a witch, then they are a spawn of hell and a satanic demon in human form. Because this is an entity of hell, they are not really human at all and thus the commandment against killing does not apply – it is not a sin to destroy a demon.

Well, once again I did not see the footnote next to the sixth commandment that said “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Do you have a biblical reference for me where it says that killing a demon in human form is not a sin? You point to witches and homosexuals as demons in human form. Well, if homosexuals are demons in human form how can you tote that you’ve “saved” homosexuals? All too often I hear about the Christian followers trying to “save” the pagans and “save” the homosexuals. If these homosexuals and pagans have been saved by your faith, how is it that they are “demons in human form?”

 Point me to the verses in the Bible that talk of the demons in human form.

I know a man who has been a Wiccan for 23 years – a witch! No more or less a human than you or I, Lee. He suffers, he bleeds, he breeds, he breaths, he sings, he dances, he reads, he learns, he laughs, he cries, he eats, he sleeps…who are you to call him a demon in human form? He goes through the same sufferings and joys as every other human being. He is human, we are all humans Lee. Just because a person follows a faith or conforms to a lifestyle that is not your own, that does not make them a demon.

From your own words Lee, from the deceptions you have thrown at me in your messages, I have just as much claim to call you and your pastor a witch, a deceiver, a liar. Perhaps I too should point you to Leviticus 20:27, “’A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.’”

You tell me that Reverend Hollows is also a doctor. It is hard to believe that your pastor is a doctor of anything speaking as ignorantly on the topic of Wicca. Not to mention his ignorant babblings about his own faith.

Wiccans know that their spells are no more Satanic or powerful than the spells you cast yourself with your prayers, and your prayer circles and when you turn your wine into the blood of Christ. We do not torture things in Satan’s name…as I have told you before and I will again and again – Satan is your God, not mine. We do nothing in the name of Satan. Your reverend lies to you again and again. When are you going to open your blind eyes Lee and see that the man you put so much faith into is a liar, a deceiver and will do anything to keep you under his power and control? Put faith into yourself Lee. The gift of intelligence is what separates us from the animals, you too have a mind Lee, you too can make your own decisions and your own interpretations. Give yourself a chance, don’t deny yourself, don’t limit yourself.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky (10% discount from Now until October 31, 2010 – go to and use code “HARVEST” at check out)

Them Demons is Tricky

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Them Demons is Tricky!

I’ve entered a contest on and now Lulu is offering my customers 10% OFF their next purchase of “Them Demons is Tricky” or “Doubt after Doubt” through October 31st, 2010!

Take advantage of this offer by visiting my storefront at Lulu: and entering promo code “HARVESTat check out! Thank you Lulu!

You will love this book! Them Demons is Tricky is now available!

Them Demons is Tricky

Some people like me think you should be careful. You might have a demon in you. Demons is very tricky and you won’t know what they is doing. They can make you do things and think it is right. I bet you are a good person and that is why they are trying to make you believe in witches and magic. Ask your self if you have ever REALLY seen a witch and the answer will be no from Them Demons is Tricky.

When several devout Fundamentalist Christians find out about my religious beliefs they seek to save my soul and turn me to the light of Christ.

Via e-mail we debate over the core Christian tenets. Is the earth only six thousand years old? Is Satan running amok upon the planet foiling God’s heavenly plans? Does God hate homosexuals? Are women inferior to men? Is God a male? And many more.

I surgically dissect each of their arguments using the Bible as one of my strongest allies. In response, the opinions and beliefs of the Fundamentalists run from surprising to frightening to downright hysterical.

In the end I reveal to them the reality of the Bible as each one of them ends up leaving their church. Losing church  members by the score the Reverend himself intercedes. I refuse to hold back and goe toe-to-toe with the pastor which eventually leads to a startling conclusion that abruptly ends my interactions with the Christians.

Learn more here: Them Demons is Tricky or become a fan on Facebook.

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I’m sure that you’re doing Satan’s work

Here is an exchange between me and Fundamentalist Josh from Them Demons is Tricky .

I hope that you’re very happy with yourself you damn witchman! We had a good group of people that wanted to spread the word of God and you had to come along and make several of my friends leave our group. I don’t know what kind of spell you put on them, but I’m sure that you’re doing Satan’s work. So is our preacher. He has told us all to never talk to you again, but I have God on my side and I sure don’t fear the devil or his little helpers like you.

Why don’t you try and have a little love for your fellow man and try and convert people to the Baptist religion so that they can be saved. Your Wyker is a false religion setup by Satan and the damned demons of hell.

You probably think it is real funny to make people turn from God. Hank was a friend and I liked him. Now, because of you, I’m not supposed to talk or associate with him because my pastor said that he now has a demon. I have some justice in knowing that you will burn in hell. Go ahead and try one of your demon spells on me and I’ll throw it back at you because I have the Lord with me.  

In response:

You strike me as a very bitter and angry person. Your words are filled with hatred, outrage and frustration. Is this the sort of person you would like me to become in going to your church? If so, no thank you!

My world is filled with love and joy. I see God and Goddess everywhere and life is beautiful. I shall continue to enjoy my life and reap the blessings it bestows upon me each day, without your church, your reverend, or your savior.

Both Lee and Hank are very happy and thankful they met me! In fact, I continue to get “thank you’s” from both of them. I will not apologize to them or to anyone else for turning their lives around and allowing them to find the happiness that resides within.

Perhaps you have been misinformed about my doings and intentions. I have never once asked either one of them to change their faith. Indeed, both continue to be Christians…which is fine by me. The difference is they are now “better” Christians for they are out of the spiritually damaging grips of Reverend Hollows.

Want to read more? Check out Them Demons is Tricky or check it out on Facebook.Them Demons is Tricky

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